Sherman has been a Trustee of Stewards Foundation since September of 2022. He currently serves as the Secretary of Stewards Foundation, and on the Nominating, Finance / Investments / Compensation and Health Care Committees.
Sherman was born in New York City on October 2, 1956, to believing parents who were in the process of establishing Shiloh Gospel Chapel (SGC) in White Plains, New York. His father served as elder at SGC for over 61 years. At the age of seven Sherman trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at a Sunday night gospel meeting.
At the age of five Sherman knew he wanted to fly airplanes. After graduation from high school, Sherman attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and in 1978 graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Science, and his Commercial Pilot and Instructor Pilot licenses and ratings. In September of 1981 Sherman joined the United States Air Force and the following fall completed Undergraduate Pilot Training, being named Distinguished Graduate.
Sherman piloted the Lockheed C-141 transport on worldwide military missions for 6 years in active-duty status and 18 years as a reservist. After completing his active-duty commitment Sherman was hired by Northwest Airlines, who later merged with Delta Airlines, and flew worldwide passenger and cargo flights for 31 years. Sherman’s pilot career concluded when he retired from Delta in November of 2020, completing 46 years of civilian, military and commercial flying.
In 1974, Sherman first met Marianne Abigail South of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her father ran a Rescue Mission in Philadelphia and when he came to speak at SGC the Frays hosted the South family for lunch. In 1983, nine years later, he and “Abby” re-met and from their shared love for the Lord and similar backgrounds knew each one was the person the other was looking for. They married and raised three sons.
Abby and Sherman are actively involved at Community Gospel Chapel in Voorhees, New Jersey, and joyfully continue the Fray practice of hospitality, extending their home to saints far and near.