Member Meetings

Stewards Foundation’s Bylaws require that a Members Meeting be convened annually between July 1 and October 31.  This official meeting of the corporation is for the purpose of electing individual Trustees to the Stewards Foundation Board, presenting the Trustees’ Annual Report and transacting other business properly brought before the meeting.

Each Nonprofit Foundation Member Assembly must have a Delegate to represent them at this meeting.  Delegates are encouraged to attend the meeting to vote on behalf of his assembly. If that is not possible, a Delegate may vote by proxy sent to him in advance of the meeting.

Attendance at this meeting is not restricted to Delegates.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend the Annual Members Meeting to witness the election of Trustees, and be informed of Stewards Foundation’s financial condition via the Trustees’ Annual Report.  All of the Trustees being present at this meeting offers attendees an opportunity to meet and interact with.

An Informational Seminar is frequently conducted immediately following the Annual Members Meeting.  The purpose is to further inform those present about the history and services of Stewards Foundation.  Two additional service organizations are generally invited to make presentations along with Stewards Foundation.  The goal is to provide as much information as possible about organizations that serve New Testament patterned assemblies.

Go to the Calendar for the dates and locations for upcoming Members Meetings.