Stewards Foundation offers loans for seven basic project types:
- Land / Building Purchase
- Building Construction or Renovation
- Small Projects ($50,000 or less)
- Additional Funds for a Current Project (Current Loan with Stewards Foundation)
- Additional Funds for a New Project (Current Loan with Stewards Foundation)
- Refinance
- Refinance with Additional Fund Request
Application packages for each project type can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate link below. Each application package is in a PDF format that can be printed, filled out and submitted by email to [email protected], by fax to 972-726-6589 or by mail to 1420 W Mockingbird Lane, Suite 410, Dallas, TX 75247.

An application is not complete and will not be evaluated until all requested material is submitted. Failing to return a complete application package will result in delaying the review process and potential approval by the Board of Trustees.
A complete loan application, including all requested information, must be received in the office 30 days prior to a scheduled Board meeting for agenda consideration. Please refer to the Calendar for Loan Application Deadlines prior to scheduled Board Meetings. Once all required material is received, the viability of the loan is evaluated and the Executive Director makes a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Each loan request is given careful consideration, taking into account all financial information.
Please contact the office if there are questions regarding the schedule of Board of Trustees meetings so your application can be submitted in a timely manner. If the timing of your loan is critical, it is important that you contact the office to alert us of your situation and coordinate your desired schedule with the schedule of Board meetings.