Loan Policies

  • Loans are only available to Stewards Foundation Member Assemblies located in the United States
  • Stewards Foundation only offers commercial loans and loan terms
  • Loans are secured by a Mortgage or a Deed of Trust, as determined by state law, on the borrowing assembly’s property where Stewards Foundation holds a first lien position
  • Stewards Foundation will loan up to 80% of the total project cost; the assembly provides the remaining 20%
  • The assembly’s 20% may include credit for a recent land purchase that is a part of the project, and expenses such as fees for professional services like appraisals, surveys, architectural and / or engineering plans, building permits and impact fees
  • No fees are charged for a Stewards Foundation loan, including application, origination or mortgage satisfaction fees
  • No prepayment penalties are charged for prepaying a loan balance
  • No late payment fees are charged; our policy is to work with loan holders in an effort to accommodate unforeseen financial circumstances
  • No personal financial information or guarantees are required of those in the assembly’s fellowship
  • The assembly pays the attorney used by Stewards Foundation for the cost to produce the closing documents
  • The assembly pays for a title policy and any services provided by the title company related to closing the loan; it is the assembly’s responsibility to locate and contract with the title company of their choosing to provide these services
  • The assembly pays for local legal representation if deemed necessary by the assembly, or if required by state law

All loan requests above $50,000 must go to the Board of Trustees for approval.  The Board of Trustees has final say on loan approvals.  The process for loan requests of $50,000 or less is less time-consuming as they are reviewed and considered for approval by the President and Executive Director.

The Executive Director and Staff will work with the leadership from each assembly interested in a loan.

Call us before you begin planning your project so we can assist with questions or concerns that inevitably arise.

Let us be a part of your team from start to finish!