Loan Program

Stewards Foundation was established in 1945, to provide New Testament patterned assemblies with loans for purchasing, building or renovating assembly facilities. Since our inception, tens of millions of dollars have been loaned to establish and strengthen assembly testimonies across the United States.

The importance of the Loan Program is seen by its impact on the Health Care Assistance Program (HCAP). Interest proceeds from our loans are the main source of funding for the annual HCAP gift. Fulltime, commended workers both at home and abroad that are a part of HCAP receive an annual gift to assist with the cost of health care.

Today, we continue in the founder’s purpose by making loans available to nonprofit foundation member assemblies located in the United States. The Loan Program is the primary focus of Stewards Foundation’s service.

We are ready to assist if your assembly is considering the purchase, construction or renovation of an assembly facility. We also would be happy to discuss refinancing a loan that your assembly has with another financial institution.

Call us before you begin planning your project so we can assist with questions or concerns that inevitably arise.

Let us be a part of your team from start to finish!